
"It's dangerous business walking out one's front door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to".... You never know when or where He may sweep you off to on a glorious adventure... but this is the place where I will humbly attempt to share many of these adventures.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2 Months In

Wow. I am blown away by how fast time has gone by and apologize for not updating enough. The past two months have been a blur, but they have been so good. Since my last update, I have hosted a summer college team that was here for 5 weeks. They did fabulous work. We spent 3 weeks going out into a nearby village prayer walking, sharing the gospel, and discipleship. Our local church here longs to plant a life-giving and reproducible church there, and we believe we are beginning to see the cell group for that form. There are around 4 guys and 4 ladies that we have begun to meet with almost weekly. We realize it will take time to see this fully come to fruition, but we are overjoyed at what is going on now. From this group, I have become close with 3 of the guys. They have been traveling to my house for teaching and training at least once a week. I have never seen such young men so hungry to grow. They challenge me continually.

While the team was here, we also had the chance to go to Kang. It has been two years since I was last there, and what a joy to reconnect with the believers there. I had the honor of preaching there. They are a special body close to my heart. Please pray for encouragement and growth there. It is a hard place, but in time, God will reap a harvest there. After preaching, we went to a farm about an hour away from Kang. We had the chance to show the Jesus film to around 50 bushman and their families. This was a tremendous opportunity with some very unreached people, and we saw 5 come forward at the end seeking Christ and asking to learn more. Jones, one of our national brothers, was so excited to see such fruit and promised to come and meet with them soon. He has such a heart to reach this nation!

Once we returned to Lobatse, we helped to host a youth revival. We have been studying what revival truly is - a strong, personal desire to know God more and more, and this week together was centered on knowing God, His plan for our life, and how to live that out daily. It was a great 6 days together. I had the chance to preach that Sunday, and I cannot thank you all enough for your prayers. God gave me a clear message and a passionate heart. Overall, the youth revival was very good, and I am proud to see the growth and maturity among the youth in the church as we discussed some serious topics. I look forward to seeing what God will do in and through them as they continue to grow!

Since then, the team left, and I went away for a few days in the bush. The past 7 weeks have been non-stop ministry, seminary work, and teaching, but they have been such a joy. Today is the first day that I have gotten up knowing that I have nothing I "have to do" today. I am going to enjoy this day of rest, because tomorrow I will begin helping with orientation for the next Hands On group coming through. God is good.

Prayer Requests
Now that this crazy summer schedule is ending, I ask for prayer for wisdom and discernment as I begin to seek God's will for my time here. I have not been able to develop a routine or schedule thus far with all of the teams and trips, but now my pace is settling down into "normal" life here. I want to be diligent with my time here, but I also do not want to out run my own pace nor what God has planned. So, prayer for discernment on this is coveted.
Also, please continue to pray for young men to disciple to become disciple makers. This is my heart for my time here, but I know God must do this work in them. Please beseech the Father to go before me and lead me to this men and for me to gladly and joyfully give all that I am to them.

I promise to do better on updating and sharing stories. I want each of you to know what God is doing in response to your giving and prayers and to share in the joy of His movement. He is moving here. Thank you.

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