
"It's dangerous business walking out one's front door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to".... You never know when or where He may sweep you off to on a glorious adventure... but this is the place where I will humbly attempt to share many of these adventures.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The beginning...

This if the beginning of my new blog. I will share what I'm learning, what my heart is thinking, and the exciting and sometimes strange events life may bring. Though I am a civilized man, I am by no means tame. My heart tells me that life isn't about money, fame, or success. It's about a journey, an adventure that is larger than me. I'm (we're) a part of a grand story, an adventure of epic proportions that has eternal implications. I long to be a part of the Father's glorious plan, and I cannot wait to see where this adventure leads... because I know where it ends, and what a glorious ending it will be.

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