
"It's dangerous business walking out one's front door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to".... You never know when or where He may sweep you off to on a glorious adventure... but this is the place where I will humbly attempt to share many of these adventures.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


"For we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh, although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh. If anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh, I far more: circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee; as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless. But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the deadNot that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I doforgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, press on toward the goal for the prize of theupward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:3-14

For some reason this passage came to mind this morning. As I began reading it over and over, it became clear what God was reminding me. I have much to be proud of - much that I could boast of in the flesh - my family, my heritage, my upbringing, my accomplishments in school, and my willingness to leave my home and go to the nations. Pride is such a fickle thing. It tempts us to make the gifts God has blessed us with into trophies we can claim. Today, that is not so. I am reminded of His great gift - Christ's death and resurrection. As Paul says, whatever things were gain to me I count as loss compared to knowing Christ my Lord - that I may know Him, the power of His resurrection, and fellowship with Him in His sufferings - to press on to lay hold of the one who has laid hold of me! So today, I forget what lies behind me and reach forward to what lies ahead - eternal glory with Christ. This does not mean I am ignoring my past. No, I look at it in the light of what is to come and all that He has done. I have been blessed with an incredible family that I cherish and love deeply. I am so thankful for them. They have molded me and set me like an arrow on the path He created me for. I am thankful for the heritage and blessing He gave them to pass on to me - that gift is only found in and through Him. I am thankful for the education and wisdom He has provided me. I am reminded today more than ever that these gifts were given to motivate me all the more to press on to the goal He has called me to - to know Him, to walk in His power, and share in His sufferings to the glory of His name. 

So, today I am thankful for a God who would choose to die for me even when I was a sinner and did not deserve it. I am thankful for the godly parents and siblings that He gave me to prepare my heart to know Him before I was willing to give Him my life. And I am thankful for every moment I get to walk in obedience to His will. 

Friday, November 16, 2012


God has had me busy. I planned to get an update out last week, but I ended up spending the week in a locals home in Molepolole, the largest village in Botswana. We spent each day going out an visiting their relatives and neighbors, sharing the gospel. Each day, there were multiple people who were overjoyed to hear the truth of the gospel. You could see the pain on their faces regarding their sin, and their joy to repent and believe. God is truly doing a work in that place. The local church met with us and went out with us, and by the end of the week, they could boldly share the gospel without our help. God is good. They have already asked us to come back and share more with them about this four-phase discipleship plan we have been working on. 

This is something we, as a team, are really excited about. The four –phases are geared to build a strong foundation, teach one to feed/grow himself/herself, to learn to teach others, and to mold Christian character through shepherding hands-on practice/learning. We are really excited about this, and already are seeing excitement over it. God is preparing people to hunger for real discipleship that leads to maturity. With many of the churches we have been in contact with, they inform us that they recognize something is missing and want something more. At the end of last week, we had the national AGM, which is yearly meeting for the Botswana Baptist Convention. Jack had the opportunity to present this model of discipleship and to make it available to the churches. There were some that were skeptical, but immediately many began asking about it and for it. God is preparing something here. I share this to ask for your prayers – that God will continue to stir a heart for discipleship here that is founded in the gospel and humility, that God will give us hearts to follow hard after Him in all things, and that God will raise up young leaders who will spend a lifetime being poured out in this way for His glory.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wholly Holy

Wow. I don't even know where to begin. God has just really been hitting me with this over the last week or so as He has been teaching me about leadership. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus promises that the pure in heart will see God. The pure in heart.. what does that mean. We immediately think of clean or undefiled, but it also means an undivided heart. In other words, a heart that has one passion and goal and that will not be taken off course. How can we, as sinful man/woman, have such a heart? Yet throughout scripture, God promises that those with clean hands and a pure heart can ascend the hill of the Lord to see Him (Ps 24). In Genesis 1, God creates us to bear His image - to be righteous and holy - to know and walk with Him. Colossians 1:16 says we were created by Him and for Him. So God created us to know Him and to be like Him in our character - our heart. But I look at my heart.. ouch. In Ezekiel 36, though, God promises that He is going to do something new that will make it possible for us to have a new heart - the heart we were meant to embody. Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:17 sheds light on this - "In Christ, we are a new creation. The old has passed and behold, all things are made new." In Christ, we are a new creation. We are given a new heart solely by the work of God. In 1 John 3:3 it says, "Everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." 1 Peter 1:16 says, "It is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy.'"So, a new heart is the work of God, but when we are given Christ, we are a new creation that is called to know God and to obey Him - to be holy. Is it possible to be 25% holy? 50%? 90%? I don't believe so. Holiness is a state of being, not a partial state. We are either wholly holy, or not at all. Ephesians 4:23-24 calls us to "be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness to the truth." If we are in Christ, we are a new creation in which the image/likeness of God has been created within us (that which we were created to reflect) in righteousness and holiness. This holiness and righteousness is not our own. It is God's. He places His righteousness and holiness on us through His Son. I know I am getting really deep, but this is powerful truth. God does not call us to something that is not possible. He has made a way for us to be wholly holy - to be pure in heart - to live with one passion and purpose. This is what He created us for in the beginning, and what He has restored us to in Christ. Acts 17:26-28 tells us that God created man that we might seek and know Him. This is our purpose and our goal - to seek and know God. He made it possible through Christ, because only in Christ can an unholy being be made wholly holy that he/she can enter into the wholly holy presence of God.

Ok, back to reality. So what does this mean for me? For us? It means, am I willing to ask God to search my whole heart - to shed His light on all that I am - to reveal where my heart is divided? He has that ability. He knows the intentions of the heart, and He alone has the power to create a new heart within me. So, step one.. "God, search my heart. All of it. Bring to light all that which is unpleasing to Your name and Your will in my life. Shed light on my sin and break the chains that so easily bind me. Reveal the areas that are distraction for my heart, that You might be my sole passion and purpose. Let no area of my heart and life go undetected and unchecked. Search it all. You have called me to holiness, and that does not mean partial holiness. You have made me new in Your image that I might fully reflect and embody Your holiness and righteousness. So please, destroy every part of me that refuses that purpose and task. I ask these things that I might truly live the life You created me for - the life that brings You the most glory and honor. Amen."

Now, step two. In 1 Peter 1:22, Peter calls those who have salvation to purify themselves as He is pure. What this means is I have to be willing to let go... to give up the things God brings to light. God will not force me to give up these things. He will bring them to light and give me a new heart, but I have to choose to walk in it. Proverbs 4:23 calls us to watch over our hearts, for they are the well-spring of life. I have to choose to watch over it... Ps 119:9-10 says, "How can a young man keep his ways pure? By living according to Your word. I seek You with all my heart; Do not let me stray from you." This process is one of action and prayer. It is not enough to do the right things.... The Pharisees were really good at that, but Jesus said their hearts were wicked and far from Him. No, it is about the heart. The heart is made pure by knowing and obey His word.. for the purpose of knowing Him. We seek Him with our whole heart. And in this, we rely on Him and not our own strength. The psalmist begs God, "Do not let me stray from You." This is our cry because our goal and motivation is not to be holy, but to know God.

So, am I willing to let Him deal with every part of my heart and life that is not of Him? Are you? We were created by Him and for Him. He is our maker, owner, and redeemer. Why should I fear letting Him have all of me? There is no reason except pride and my flesh. Both of which, when I study their affects on my past and present, bring nothing but pain, loneliness, and death. God spoke and created life from nothing. He is the author and perfecter of life. Why should I not trust Him? There is no reason at all. I invite you to pray and pursue these things with me, and I ask you to pray for me. There is so much in my flesh that refuses to let go, but I know God is greater. He has not created me to walk in lust, fear, and doubt. He has created me to reflect His image - holiness, boldness, and purity of heart. Thank you for laboring and fighting alongside of me!

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Goal and Trial of Leadership

I feel called this morning to share and be transparent about what God is teaching me. These are the culmination of my notes from my study/prayer time over the past few days. The quotes and passages set up the understanding, application, and prayer. I apologize for its length, but if you stick with it I hope and pray that God uses this to challenge each of you as much as He is challenging me.

"In the natural life our ambitions alter as we develop; in the Christian life the goal is given at the beginning, the beginning and the end are the same, our Lord Himself. We start with Christ and we end with Him - 'until we all attain the stature of the manhood of Christ Jesus,' not to our idea of what the Christian life should be. The aim of the missionary is to do God's will, not to be useful, not to win the heathen; he is useful and he does win the heathen, but that is not his aim. His aim is to do the will of his Lord."

-Oswald Chambers 

"The sense of sacrifice appeals readily to a young Christian...The 'go' of preparation is to let the word of God scrutinize. The sense of heroic sacrifice is not good enough. The thing the Holy Spirit is detecting in you is the disposition that will never work in His service."  
- Oswald Chambers
"Sanctification is a lifelong process and not an event." 

2 Chronicles 22:11
"So Jehoshabeath, the daughter of King Jehoram, the wife of Jehoiada the priest, hid Joash from Athaliah so that she would not put him to death."

2 Chronicles 23 - Jehoiada makes Joash king and makes a covenant with the people and the king that they would be God's people

2 Chronicles 24:2
"Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest."

2 Chronicles 24:17-18a, 22
"But after the death of Johoiada the officials of Judah came and bowed down to the king, and the king listened to them. They abandoned the house of the Lord...Thus Joash the king did not remember the kindness which his father Johoiada had shown him, but her murdered his son."

Wow. Leadership really does matter... and motive does as well. Jehoiada and his wife saved Joash from being murdered... and then they anoint him as the rightful king and lead him to be a great king for the people.. he restores the temple and destroys idol worship.. until Jehoiada dies. After that, Joash goes crazy and turns the people away from God. Jehoiada's son, Zechariah, comes to rebuke the king and the people, but Joash has him killed. The son of the man who saved his life, he murders. How did such a turn happen? Jehoiada walked in God's will for the purpose of honoring God and obeying Him. Joash followed Jehoiada's leading until his presence was gone. Joash never learned to follow God's will. So, once Jehoiada was gone, Joash rebelled against God's will and murdered the son of the one who had given him such a life. After Zechariah is killed, God brings judgment on Joash and the people. The importance of leadership is really seen in this passage. Godly leadership will save lives and draw nations to God. Ungodly leadership will destroy the lives of the ones who would seek to save their people.. and it ultimately brings destruction on the entire nation.
So, for me today. God is really continuing to teach me about leadership from 
My Upmost for His Highest and from His word. He knew I would be reading these two things together... this year.. at this time.. and this season in my life. He is giving me application and examples and facing me with a question.  Will I become the leader He has called me to be? 
Leadership is a gift form God, and it only fails if we walk outside of His will. If one will walk in His will, however, it will save lives and lead peoples to Him. To be that kind of man, though, requires the scrutiny of God's word. The Holy Spirit must bring to light all that which is in me that would hinder me from walking in that way, and as He does this work, He will teach me to know the will of God. A truly godly leader has had his character and metal tested and knows the will of God. In all things, he desires to walk out that will. This gives one the power to stand on His word and not be tossed around by the approval of man. Why? If our aim is God Himself - knowing Him and walking in His will - the approval of man does not matter because the approval of God is all we seek! This is freedom. In this type of life there is complete freedom to be you without fear because you know that all you are is God's. This is the life and leadership I desire. But I also see from this passage in 2 Chronicles 24 the importance of reproducing leadership. Jehoiada taught Joash to do a lot of good, but he must not have dealt with Joash's heart and character. Why do I say that? The moment Jehoiada is gone, Joash turns form God and even murders Jehoiada's son. So if leadership ends with me, it will fail. If leadership ends with God, it will never fail. The point of leadership is not me or anyone else but God, and when we lead people to God and the scrutiny of His word, He will transform their heart and character and pass on truly godly leadership from generation to generation... when this type of leadership/discipleship happens, all the ends of the earth will be reached and Christ will return. Then why are we not motivated to do it? Why do I so often fail to pursue this? The wickedness of my heart. It desires the approval of man and the satisfaction of the flesh, but may Christ crucify it! That is not the purpose for which I was created, nor anyone for that matter. We were created by Him and for Him - to know Him and be satisfied in Him alone. If this is our upmost goal, which is the true Christian life goal, then we will find Him. We will know His will and walk in it, and this generation and those to come will be changed forever. It is time to stop playing around. It begins though, with truly allowing God to scrutinize all that I am. It was easy when He called me to salvation to admit my need and hand things over, but it is harder now. Sanctification, though, is not an event or moment, but a lifestyle.  I have to allow and desire for Him to bring all that I am - everything - under His rule and will. For this to happen, He must be the goal and the motivation. Nothing else will satisfy or last. It is so easy to get excited at the chance to reach the nations.. but reaching the nations is not the goal. Don't hear me wrong when I say that. The goal is not the nations. The goal is God. The reason we lay our lives down for the nations is to obey God. The reason anyone would respond to the gospel is God. It is not about me or us in any way. It is about Him. So if my goal is the nations and not knowing and savoring Christ, then I will fail. If my goal is knowing and savoring Christ, then the nations will be reached. When I can get my head around that truth, it will motivate me to allow Him to bring every sin, even the tinniest, under the scrutiny of His eye and hand it over to Him. 

"Father, I beg you to shine your light into my heart - to reveal all that I am. Use Your Word and Your Holy Spirit to convict and transform my heart in all things. Bring all that I am under Your will, no matter how hard it is and how much it hurts, for this is the reason I was made - to know You and obey You. May Your passion become my passion. May Your will be my will. Destroy my pride and selfishness and replace them with true humility and sacrificial love. I ask these things that I might live a life worthy of Your name, that I might please You in every good thing, that I might bear fruit for Your kingdom, and most of all, that I might walk in Your will. May my motivation and goal be You and You alone. I ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen."

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today, I would like to share just what God is placing on my heart and challenging me on and ask that you would pray along with me and for me. My reading this morning was in 2 Chronicles 21 - looking at the life and reign of Jehoram. There are examples in God's word that you want to follow.. and ones you do not. Jehoram is one you do not want to follow. God placed Him as king over His people, but Jehoram turned from God and sought foreign God's. On top of that, Jehoram taught the people to do so as well. Vs 11 says he taught them to play the harlot and led them astray. God then sends word through the prophet Elijah that Jehoram's family will pay for his sin, that all will be taken from him, and that he will suffer from a terrible bowel disease that will eventually see his bowels come out. That is a grotesque and hard to swallow punishment. God sends armies to capture cities, take away Jehoram's wealth, power, and family. On top of that, the bowel disease takes 2 painful years to finally kill him. I know God is not a harsh God and quick to anger, but there is something in this story He is really challenging me with today. Everything is about His glory and honor. When He grants leadership to someone, it is to lead His people into a deeper and more glorifying relationship with Him that calls all peoples to praise Him. So, to whom much is given, much is expected. To rebel against God's purpose in granting one leadership, will lead to serious consequences. Why? Because God is passionate about the honor and glory of His name. He will not allow it to be debased. This lead me to ask myself 2 questions. 1) Will I be faithful in obedience with the leadership He has given me to lead people closer to Him? 2) Will I make it about me like Jehoram and or lazy like the man who was given one talent who hid it for fear of the master?

I want desperately to live out that first one. But I know my heart. My heart is fearful - afraid to fail. My heart is lazy and selfish. Yet, for some reason God has given me wisdom and understanding beyond me. He has placed me in leadership over and over again, and again and again I ask why? I don't deserve it. More often than not, I don't want it. I don't want it because if He grants it, then I am afraid I will fail Him. Today, I am reminded that failing Him is rejecting His plan and His way. The only way I can fail is to reject the path He has for me. He has given me leadership and understanding for His glory. If I reject that path, He will be swift to discipline me before I defame His name. If I walk in His will and seek His glory, He will not let me fail... for the exact same reason - FOR HIS GLORY! I have always looked at my fear and insecurities and counted them as a weakness that would keep me from living out His full purpose in me. Now, I am seeing that those weaknesses will be the one thing that will keep me in His will. If I felt I could do His will on my own, then I would trust myself and my abilities. I know my heart and flesh and see the abilities, opportunities, and gifts He has given me, and my heart cries out I don't deserve them. He strength will be seen in my weakness. He has given me much, because I know I cannot handle much. Only He can. All He requires of my is radical and undivided obedience. I wanted to share this with you all because I think this is something we all struggle with in one way or another. The fear of failure cripples us and leads us to settle for less, but God has not called us to live ordinary, unfruitful lives. He has called us to Him. And if He calls us to step out for Him, He will be faithful to see it through for the glory and honor of His name. It is not about us. It has never been about us. Peter sank when walking on water when he took his eyes off of Christ. When our eyes are on Him and we are obedient to His will, all things are possible. So that longing and passion that God has built into each one of us for His glory is possible. The only question is - Will we be willing to fan into flame the gift He has given us and walk in courageous obedience to His will? There is no higher calling. There is no other purpose for which we were created. God desires that every part of our life be about His glory, and He has the power and wisdom to see it truly come to fruition in our lives. Will we be obedient to ask for it and seek Him? There is no time for laziness. The battle is heavy and souls are at stake. John Piper says, "There are 3 types of Christians. Zealous goers, Zealous Senders, and disobedient." There is no other option. Our lives are to be invested in the advancement of His kingdom.

I hope this has made sense. When God opens your eyes to something, it is more often like a floodgate than a hose. It is hard to put into words, but it is so clear, freeing, and refreshing in my heart. I am sick of coasting by, knowing that given half an effort will put me just above average. I don't want to settle for just above average. I want to be all that I can for His glory. I want to be excellent. I want to be holy. And that is what He calls us to. He has given me much, that I might be poured out much. So I invite you to pray with me and for me. Pray that God gives me a courageous heart to follow Him no matter what. Pray that I would trust Him and keep my eyes on Him. Pray that God gives me spirit that is sick at the idea of being lazy and mediocre and yearns for divine obedience and discipline in my life. Pray that I would be found faithful with what has been entrusted to me - the gospel of the glory of the kingdom of God - and that I would proclaim it and give all that I am to see mature disciples raised up for His glory. Pray that God would strip away all of my flesh - selfishness, pride, and envy, and renew within me His image - holiness, selflessness, self-control, love, grace, and peace - for His glory.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Praise and Prayer

This post will be a little different than usual. The past two weeks, I have been taking care of a lot of logistical things and teaching a good bit, and God has just been opening my eyes and heart to some things. So first off, I want to praise Him for that and thank you for your continued prayers. I read in Mark 9 this morning, and verse one coupled with Oswald Chambers really spoke to me. Vs 1 reads, 
"And Jesus was saying to them, 'Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here today who will not taste death until the see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.'" 
Oswald Chambers comments on this saying,
"The new birth gives a new power of vision whereby I begin to discern God's rule. His rule was there all the time, but true to His nature; now that I have received His nature I can see His rule."

As I thought on this, I began to see its truth in my life lately. God's kingdom is being established all around us. When Jesus Christ conquered sin and death, He won victory for eternity. So, even now, Christ is victorious, and the closer I grow to Him, the more I see His kingdom alive and moving in the world. I see look around our local body here in Lobatse, I see the Father preparing to expand His kingdom even more so. He is raising up young men and women who hunger for true discipleship, and He is stirring in my heart and Jack's that we must be prepared to prepare them fully! I truly believe God is building up a movement here, but He is waiting to unleash the floodgates until His people are ready to handle it - ie have a true discipleship process that promotes servant-leadership, is reproducible, and there enough leaders to handle the growth of sheep who need tending and maturing.

My life the past week or so really shows this need and desire. 6 of the young guys from our body have come to me and sought real training/discipleship. This is a huge answer to prayer for me, and I invite you to praise the Father with me for providing young men who will be faithful to learn and to reproduce. We have met several times this week looking at what a disciple truly is, and Jesus expectations for His disciples. It has really been a good challenge for me, and I see God desiring to do a big work in and through these young men.

These leads me to Ps 138 this morning and my praise/prayer requests. As many of you know, I have been running at a pace I knew I could not sustain for much longer. I asked you to cry out to the Father for sustenance and help. This week has been an answer to that prayer. He has given me extra time with Him each day, time to rest physically, while at the same time giving me more and more opportunities to teach and meet with these young men. Ps 138:3 says, 
"On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul." 
This is so true. Saturday night I was feeling worn out and anti-social. I ask some of you to pray for strength and love to fill me because I knew Sunday was going to be a day full of interaction, teaching, and cooking. When I woke up Sunday morning, I felt like a completely new creation, and I had a great day with the guys teaching and praying. This is just one example of many of how your prayers are fueling the work and strengthening me! Thank you! This leads me back to verse 1 where the psalmist says, 
"I will give thanks to you with all my heart." 
I invite you to give thanks and praise to Him. He is sustaining me and giving me strength not my own. The psalmist goes on to say in verses 4-5 that all the kings of the earth will give thanks to God and praise Him when they hear the words of His mouth for great it His glory. I invite you to pray with me that God's word will be proclaimed here in Botswana and throughout the earth and that they will see His glory. The psalm ends by stating that God will accomplish His will, and He will not forsake His works. Please pray that we, as the body of Christ here in Botswana, will truly believe this - that God's word and glory will call many to His name and that HE will be faithful to bring this about. Pray for opportunities to share and boldness to take them -that when we open our mouths, we would faithfully proclaim the truth of the gospel. Pray for me, that I will be faithful to teach and train these young men that they may become mature disciple makers. Pray for strength, wisdom, and boldness as I teach and lead them. And lastly, pray for these young men - that God will continue to build into their heart a longing to learn from Him, to live for Him, and to lead others to do the same!

Thank you for your continued support and love. It really does make a difference and mean the world to me. you!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2 Months In

Wow. I am blown away by how fast time has gone by and apologize for not updating enough. The past two months have been a blur, but they have been so good. Since my last update, I have hosted a summer college team that was here for 5 weeks. They did fabulous work. We spent 3 weeks going out into a nearby village prayer walking, sharing the gospel, and discipleship. Our local church here longs to plant a life-giving and reproducible church there, and we believe we are beginning to see the cell group for that form. There are around 4 guys and 4 ladies that we have begun to meet with almost weekly. We realize it will take time to see this fully come to fruition, but we are overjoyed at what is going on now. From this group, I have become close with 3 of the guys. They have been traveling to my house for teaching and training at least once a week. I have never seen such young men so hungry to grow. They challenge me continually.

While the team was here, we also had the chance to go to Kang. It has been two years since I was last there, and what a joy to reconnect with the believers there. I had the honor of preaching there. They are a special body close to my heart. Please pray for encouragement and growth there. It is a hard place, but in time, God will reap a harvest there. After preaching, we went to a farm about an hour away from Kang. We had the chance to show the Jesus film to around 50 bushman and their families. This was a tremendous opportunity with some very unreached people, and we saw 5 come forward at the end seeking Christ and asking to learn more. Jones, one of our national brothers, was so excited to see such fruit and promised to come and meet with them soon. He has such a heart to reach this nation!

Once we returned to Lobatse, we helped to host a youth revival. We have been studying what revival truly is - a strong, personal desire to know God more and more, and this week together was centered on knowing God, His plan for our life, and how to live that out daily. It was a great 6 days together. I had the chance to preach that Sunday, and I cannot thank you all enough for your prayers. God gave me a clear message and a passionate heart. Overall, the youth revival was very good, and I am proud to see the growth and maturity among the youth in the church as we discussed some serious topics. I look forward to seeing what God will do in and through them as they continue to grow!

Since then, the team left, and I went away for a few days in the bush. The past 7 weeks have been non-stop ministry, seminary work, and teaching, but they have been such a joy. Today is the first day that I have gotten up knowing that I have nothing I "have to do" today. I am going to enjoy this day of rest, because tomorrow I will begin helping with orientation for the next Hands On group coming through. God is good.

Prayer Requests
Now that this crazy summer schedule is ending, I ask for prayer for wisdom and discernment as I begin to seek God's will for my time here. I have not been able to develop a routine or schedule thus far with all of the teams and trips, but now my pace is settling down into "normal" life here. I want to be diligent with my time here, but I also do not want to out run my own pace nor what God has planned. So, prayer for discernment on this is coveted.
Also, please continue to pray for young men to disciple to become disciple makers. This is my heart for my time here, but I know God must do this work in them. Please beseech the Father to go before me and lead me to this men and for me to gladly and joyfully give all that I am to them.

I promise to do better on updating and sharing stories. I want each of you to know what God is doing in response to your giving and prayers and to share in the joy of His movement. He is moving here. Thank you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hitting the Ground Running

Well, first I want to apologize to everyone that it has been so long since I last updated, and say this update will be a bit longer than usual... I arrived in BW on May 22 knowing that our first team was going to arrive on May 27. My first few days here were mainly spent in bed sick due to the incredible temperature change (MS summer to 35 degrees my first night), but I was able to reconnect with the body here and my fellow workers and get settled into my house. Once all of this was done, we scrambled to get everything ready for the team of high school seniors/recent graduates. They have been a joy to have, but they have kept me very busy this last week and a half. I am happy to report now that they have been a blessing, and it has been incredible just to see the Father grow them while they are here. He has given them some incredible things to be a part of. I would like to share 2 of those stories now.

The first begins last Tuesday. We took them out to one of the villages near by to go Prayer Walking. We spent much of the morning before going out in prayer asking the Father to go before us, and He pressed it on several of us to ask specifically for 3 people to hear and understand His truth. As we went out, one of the groups was passing by an old ladies house, when she stopped them and invited them into her house. They began to share with her the story of Nicodemus from John 3. She told them that she had heard about Jesus and believed He was the Son of God, but she had been waiting on someone to come and share with her about how to be born again. She prayed with them on the spot! They were able to reconnect with her the following day, and they consensus was that she was filled with even more joy than the day before! One of the guy groups walking stopped in a yard with two ladies and began to share the same story. After sharing, one of the ladies opened up about her life. Her story was almost identical to the young man sharing. So he began to share his testimony, and she believed and asked to be born again. The lady with also asked to be born again. This was the first time he had ever shared and seen someone respond! So that totals for - Three women! Our Father is so good!

The second story is the fruit of 5 months of labor and prayer. Part of my on-field team has been helping the local church develop an after school AIDS Orphan Care center. In our town, AIDS has been a big problem, and there are a lot of children who live with extended family who do not have the means nor the time to fully care for them. Therefore, their school work suffers... they don't receive proper nutrients.. and rarely see/feel love. The care center will attempt to touch all of these facets. The children will receive tutoring, will see and learn about the love of Christ, and a healthy snack/meal. For the past 5 months they have been working to get it approved by the government, and last week they finally received that approval. 10 children were selected based on need and age. They want each child to be in the program for at least 2 years. Then on Thursday they had their grand opening with a ribbon cutting and all! It was a wonderful day, and the youth team was a big help in getting everything together and playing with the kids. 

So it has been an eventful 2 weeks since I arrived! I have two big prayer requests in closing.
The first came from a reminder reading in Matthew 4 this morning where the devil takes a truth from Psalm 91 and twists it to fit his desire, but Jesus knows the truth and is not swayed. As we prayer walked in the village, our national partners shared with me about how false doctrines and twisted truth now hold many people in the surrounding villages in darkness. So we have began to pray for Truth to be seen for what it is - Truth, and for twisted half-truths and false doctrines to be shown for the darkness they are. I invite you to labor with us in asking the Father to move in that way.

The second prayer requests comes from my reading in 1 Kings 6 this morning. In verses 11-12 God speaks to Solomon and tells him that if he walks according to His statutes and ways, then He will dwell among the people of Israel and not forsake them. This lead me to think about the work going on here. One problem at the moment is the purity of the church. The Father is pressing it upon our hearts to fight in prayer for this to change. For His people to walk in His ways that His presence may be known among these people groups. Pleases join us in beseeching Him for this - for faithful workers to know His ways and to walk in them that His glory may be see in their village, their region, and their nation.

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayer. Daily I am reminded at how inadequate I am but how glorious our Father is. I wouldn't be here without your support, and the way He is going before us and moving is only in response to prayers lifted up for the work. So thank you!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pry for Today

Psalm 63:1-5
"O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly;
My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You,
In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.
Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips will praise You.
So I will bless You as long as I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.
My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness,
And my mouth offers praises with joyful lips."

I want to invite you to lift this passage up to the Father with me today for the peoples of the Horn:
-That He would stir this up in them to seek Him and know Him
-That they would see that He is all powerful and glorious
-That they would come to know His love, that is better than life
-That He will call out a people to praise and glorify Him
-That they would fine satisfaction in Him alone

Friday, May 11, 2012

L3 on Leaving day

Here are my notes from my reading this morning... The Father is so good.

1 Samuel 25-26
Psalm 60-62

R - Psalm 61:2
     "From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
   - Psalm 62:1-2, 5-6
     "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress, I will never be shaken... ...Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken."

E - These are from 2 psalms of David, crying out for God to sustain him and hold him. He has nowhere else to turn for salvation, safety, and comfort, but he knows God is enough. Either Saul or Absolom was seeking his life at this point, but as his heart grows faint, he calls out to God to lead him to the rock that is higher than he. He trusts that God's ways are higher than his ways... that even if it doesn't make sense to him, he still wants to trust God's plan and God's way... especially when his heart is giving way.. and this is why in 62 he can say - my soul finds rest in God alone... because that is what our souls were created for... salvation and hope are found in Him alone.. and He is a rock and a fortress for His children. Therefore, David can claim - I will not be shaken! Why? Because God cannot be shaken, and God is His refuge and foundation!

A - This morning... I woke up after 4.5 hours of sleep in a freezing airport without a blanket... after a week and a half of constant going and doing where I lacked opportunities to sleep.. so, to say the least - I woke up feeling exhausted and wrecked... which is a great feeling going into this trip and new season. Not exactly what I would choose or plan. But before I was even born, God knew where I would be today and how I would feel. He knew that my reading plan would put me in Psalm 61-62 today. And He had a Rhema word for me. If David, facing DEATH and living in the wilderness, could seek the rock that is higher than he and find rest and salvation in God alone, then so can I. Hope is found in Christ alone. So, even though me earthly body feels wasted, my heart is satisfied and my soul has rest. His strength and power will sustain me. Therefore, I will boldly claim that I will not be shaken.. no matter how I feel, I will not let them control me or overwhelm me... I will find refuge in Christ. He is Lord and in control. To think otherwise is a lie. 

P - So, as I prepare to board my last flight, I ask that you lift me up in a few ways:
1. That I would be able to get some good sleep/rest on this 14hr flight.
2. That the Father would strengthen my self-control and grant me His patience, because I know mine is lacking today.
3. For the team - for cohesion in JC to be of one mind and one spirit.
4. For a true life giving movement to continue to develop and grow.

Thank you. I can't wait to share how the Father answers our pryrs and how He moves.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Peace in Preparation

It is crazy to think that in 12 days I will be boarding a plane to leave for 12-14 months. Generally that brings a lot of excitement to my mind and heart, but somedays it is a little overwhelming. This morning, it was a little frightening until I got into His Word. L3 had me in Ruth and in Romans 10 this morning. I will just start off saying that the Father has perfect timing.

Romans 10 and Ruth really connected well this morning, and they both spoke to my present situation. Ruth begins with a family that has lost everything. All the men die, and Naomi, the mother-in-law, is left with her two daughters-in-law in a foreign land. She determines to return to her own people, and she asks the two daughters to return to their own families. One of them does so, but Ruth steps up and says, "Where you go, I will go. Where You stay I will stay. Your God will be my God, and your people will be my people." In Romans 10:10 Paul says, "For with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation." Ruth believed that He was the God, and that staying with Naomi was what He would have her do. She confesses this to Naomi and walks it out in righteousness. This decision ultimately works out for her salvation. In Naomi's hometown there is a kinsman named Boaz. Ruth goes to pick up scraps form his fields to provide for herself and Naomi, as was the custom for widows and the poor. Boaz notices this new woman, and takes a liking to her. He promises her enough food to glean and water to drink. Eventually, Boaz becomes her kinsman redeemer and marries her. They have a child named Obed. Obed is the father of Jesse, and Jesse is the father of David. Crazy. God used a woman who was willing to leave her own people behind - the place she grew up, the gods she grew up with, and her own family - to go with a woman who had lost everything. Why? Because she believed God was the God. There is no way she could have known before she left that God would provide, especially with so much. It required faith to step out and go anyways.

This spoke to me this morning. When I felt He was leading me to return to BW for a time, I struggled for a while about how I could provide for such a journey... I knew that I could not. I finally released that weight and trusted that when He calls, He provides. Since then, He has gone above and beyond to show His faithfulness. For a while I struggled through who to go to to ask for support, and eventually He had me settle on a very short list. I sent out letters and made some calls, and let go of the control of the situation. And He answered big. He had prepared the hearts of these individuals and families to give, but He had also prepared others to give that I had not even asked. He has gone above and beyond to show me His faithfulness. Many of you reading this have been called by Him to support me. I cannot thank you enough. I want you to know that your faithfulness to His leading has helped confirm His calling on my life and has taught me to trust Him all the more.

And this is where Romans 10 comes back into the picture. Verses 14-15 summarize the heart He has given me pretty well. "How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!'" They cannot believe unless someone goes, and I cannot go unless I am sent. The Father has called me, but you are sending me. Your support makes the way possible, and your pryrs go before me preparing a way.

So I want to thank you, and ask you to continue to pry for Him to go before me. In 12 days I will be flying to the Horn of Africa to see friends and their work. Please pry for wisdom and discernment while I am there. I think this might be a region He calls me to in the future, and I want to listen to His voice while I am there. I will spend 10 days with them before flying down to BW. Once I get to BW, I will have a fast few days getting ready for short-term teams coming in to assist our ministry. Pry for the hearts of the teams coming - that they will be prepared to be flexible, to serve, and to love like He loves. Pry for us as we seek His will for their time there - how best to use them and invest in them.

It may be a few weeks before I get to update this again, but I will try to as often as I can. You are as much a part of this ministry as I am; therefore, I want you to know how He is moving and how you can continue to be a part of it!

Thank you again.
In Him.